“Dictatorial” Democrats vs. “Democratic” Dictators !!

**Mr. Moonlight Flippflopp**


“All dictators are ‘Hitler-bad’ and all democrats soft, flexible and nice”, right ?

Well, not easy to say – at least, for me !!

Undoubtedly I am a Gandhi ji and Sardar Patel fan / admirer but can we place both great men in one bracket ?

Can we call them 100 % Democrats ? Well Yes, but not 100 %.

For example, Gandhi ji, all his life, fought for freedom of India. For him opinions were very very sacred and important,  but only his own opinions.

He was very very adamant. In fact, that is one of the reasons I admire him – his mental strength. He was “a one-man army” !!

Secondly ( second reason for my admiration), for his invention of “Satyagrah” – the peaceful and non-violent method of agitation and insisting upon an issue /opinion and achieving it, fighting for it, till the success is achieved…

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